Seriously… where did my little Karter Henry go?
He used to be little.
- He’s not little anymore.
He used to need me to carry him up the steps, because his little legs couldn’t climb.
- Now I can barely carry him at all.
He used to want me to rock him to sleep, and I loved every second of it.
- Now he goes to bed and I listen through the monitor as he and Brody talk and plan and dream.
He used to want to be up on my lap.
- OK, so he still likes to cuddle with me, but he barely fits on my lap!
Where did the time go?
Tomorrow I will bring Karter to preschool. He’s scared and nervous, and he wants me to stay. Or at least that’s what he says today. I am so excited for this season of his life. I know that he will love it. I just wish he wasn’t nervous.
God, thank you for two beautiful children. Thank you for each minute you have given us. Please help me to recognize just how truly blessed I am! And please, please protect them. Amen.