1 - My baby boys (OK, so Karter's not a baby, but he'll always be one of my baby boys). Karter had RSV last week. He's doing much better, but please pray that he only continues to improve. He still has the cough, but he's getting that sparkle back in his eyes.
Brody came down with RSV over the weekend. It's scary in any child, but especially in an infant. His oxygen levels were good this morning, so they just sent us home with no treatment. Just lots of lovin from his mommy and daddy. Karter hates it when Brody cries, so this is tough on both of them. Please pray that things don't get worse for Brody.
2 - Brent has his bone marrow test on Wednesday. Please pray that everything goes well, and that there's not too much discomfort after the procedure.
3 - Please pray for my dear friend, Helen. Her Dad passed away on Friday afternoon. He had a lot of health issues, and Helen has been very involved with his health care.
OK, so here's a couple pictures... just cuz I love to show pictures of my boys! Brody rolls all over now. We tried giving him some cereal, but he wasn't a fan. Maybe we'll try again after he's feeling better. Karter loved having Brody lay by him on the couch (aka "towch"). The 2nd picture is just Karter being goofy (imagine that) :-)

Hope you all have a great week!
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