Wednesday, October 22, 2008

We are blessed... again!

For those of you who may not have heard yet... Monday morning we welcomed a new little boy into our family. Brody Alan was born at 8:24 AM. He weighed 8lbs 6oz and was 22 inches long. I know that I may be a little biased here, but I must say... He's absolutely beautiful! Enjoy the pictures!

I must admit... the one with Karter holding Brody is my favorite. Karter has been so good through all of this! I had a c-section, so I'm limited as to how much I can do yet. I was a little worried about what Karter would think about me being confined to bed. For now he likes to sit by Mommy in bed or in the chair... and so far he hasn't bumped my incision. He does, however, like to give his little brother hugs and kisses.

I believe we'll be going home from the hospital tomorrow. I can't wait to be home with my guys!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Lazy Sunday

Today is a just that... a lazy Sunday. Right now Karter is taking a nap. He, much like his parents, loves his naps! I'm trying to avoid a nap, because then I won't sleep good tonight. Today it's rather easy to skip a nap... the Bears are playing the Vikings. GO BEARS!!! (Brent strongly disagrees, but he's not the one writing this.) Why am I a Bears fan, you may ask. Well, I'm a Bears fan simply because my Dad was a Vikings fan. It's the same reason I choose Chevys over Fords and Jeff Gordon over whoever it was that drove the Ford that Dad liked. It wasn't because I know anything about the teams, drivers or kinds of cars... but because it created a friendly rivalry in the Langstraat household. If you knew my Dad, you know he never really got worked up about much... but it was still fun to call him up after the Bears would beat the Vikings. You know, just to make sure he knew who won.

It's days like this that I really miss Dad. Well, days like this... and every other day there is. It's going to be weird to not have Dad visit me in the hospital when this baby is born. Or to not have him present (and take part in) baptism. And every other part of this that Dad would have loved to be part of.

Oh no! Vikings just scored a touchdown! GRRR!!! Chicago still leads by 7 with 3 minutes to go, but why cut it close?

Random thought: Karter's new favorite thing is to sing "E-I-E-I-O". You have to listen pretty closely, but he sings it like he wrote it.

OK, I can't concentrate. I have to watch the game now.

Have a great week!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Where We're At

Right now, I'm sitting on my couch with my feet up. Karter is at daycare, so it's quiet in the house. You would think I would like it, but really... I'm not loving it. I miss Karter, and I look forward to he and Brent coming home. Why am I home? Well, I'm home because Belinda (our midwife) says that's where she wants me to be today (and yesterday). I am amazed at the fact that I'm 8 months pregnant. I think it's too good to be true, and I wonder if it's really true. ...And then I try look at my feet and realize that yes, it is true.

I've been struggling a bit with headaches the last couple days, but other than that it has been a dream pregnancy. I've really enjoyed being pregnant. It's such a miracle! Every morning when I get up and get Karter out of bed, I take a moment and thank God for the many miracles in our lives.

Enough sappy time, and on to pictures. Karter is quite a ham lately and likes to have his picture taken... so enjoy!

My First Post

Look at this... I, Kelli Hooyer, am trying my hand at blogging. I make no promises as to how often this will get updated, and I don't claim to be all crafty and creative. One thing will make this a little bit easier, and that is that I have a great family to talk about.

Thanks for joining me on this adventure we call... Our Growing Family.